Caedis Tenebrae

Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race: Au ra (Xaela)
Age: Unknown (Assumes she's in her mid 20's)
Birthdate: Unknown (Celebrates on April 20th)
Birthplace: Unknown
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 112lbs (~50kgs)
Eyes: White (Black Limbal Rings)
Hair: Black

After waking up outside Ul'dah with no memories of how she got there or who she was, Caedis found it rather hard to find a place in the world. The only friend that she had was the miqo'te who found her in the desert, and she had very little money, and no actual name to call herself, aside from the one she had chosen on her own. Once she finally left Ul'dah though and started travelling, she found a goobbue corpse that was covered in plant life. In a weird roundabout way, she realized that losing her identity wasn't the end like she originally thought it was. Instead, the corpse of her lost identity was a way for new life to sprout and take hold. New memories were to be made, even if those memories were made by herself.===========================================Caedis is very friendly, unless provoked. An easy way to do this is to either insult someone close to her, or to insult her moko grass. Say what you like about her, but her plants, and loved ones are off limits. As someone who deals in "black market trades" as she calls them, she knows how to be professional, but also when to put her boot down when clients are pushing her boundaries. While she does tend to keep to herself a lot of the time, when she does find those she's more comfortable around, her more chaotic, and more true self, comes out.Chaotic moods aside, Caedis does have a love for plants and flowers. Especially moko grass. If you ever have a conversation with her, assume she's recently smoked some of her own home-grown grass, or is about to try and get you to purchase some. Unless you're a friend of course. Friends smoke free if they're with her.

Fight Career
Caedis loves to fight. The stronger the opponent, the better the challenge. While she doesn't like losing, she can admit when she's lost a fight, and can respect anyone who can knock her off her pedestal. Though she'll never admit it to their face.She's even gone so far to grab her friends Cherry, and Vie to form the Bad Bitch Brigade™ during team fight tactic nights at The Harlequin.Win-Loss
(Mistakes were made)
-------Combat Achievements------
Longest Win Streak: 3
Longest Lose Streak: 5

(All names are a work in progress still)
Moko Grass OG
With pleasant shades of green, and smelling extremely potent, as moko grass should, this grass is your classic buds of moko. Homegrown, and thoroughly tested by Caedis herself, these buds will be sure to please, and not disappoint.
Ghost Grass
Looking almost entirely white in appearance thanks to all the white "hairs" that cover these buds, this grass does smell, but it fades almost as quickly as you smell it, making you wonder if you had even smelled anything at all. If smoked though, there will be no mistake of what was placed in your pipe.
Apple Grass
This grass is Caedis' best product. Intentionally grown to be as strong as possible, it also smells like apples with a tiny hint of moko grass. Having been cross-bred with an apple tree through very extensive botany, these buds are a nice shade of red, along with all the red colored "hairs" that cover each one. If one were to look carefully, they might spot a green "hair" every so often. This is the strain of grass that you will always see Caedis smoking.

Caedis met Nick when he found her unconscious outside of Ul'dah. If it weren't for him, she would have been eaten by wildlife most likely. While she has no memories of how she got where she was found, Nick has helped her make plenty of new memories before the two split ways for awhile

Selahkiir Tyl'vyr
Caedis' best friend, and one of the few people that Caedis trusts with her life. The two met while working together at a venue, and have been through so much together since. Caedis technically works for her on the downlow, but tends to keep it to herself due to the nature of the shenanigans the two get up to.

Cherry Love
The owner of The Harlequin, one of Caedis' bosses, and friends. Cherry is an absolute joy to be around in Caedis' opinion, and also very welcoming. Even though Caedis tends to keep to herself a lot of the times, and used to just stand in the back of the room when she first started going to The Harlequin, Cherry always made sure that Caedis knew she was welcome every time she walked through the fight clubs doors. In fact, she felt so welcomed, that she now works there. Cherry is also a member of the Bad Bitch Brigade™, the team name that Caedis came up with during a team fight night at The Harlequin.

Thaura Gallyr
Another close friend of Caedis', with a fantastic atmosphere to her. She also made Caedis feel very welcome whenever she came to The Harlequin. Back when Thaura spent a lot of time at the front desk, Caedis always made sure to take a moment to have a small chat with this elezen before heading downstairs. The two have gotten a lot closer since then, and have even gone on a date together, where Caedis totally didn't "steal" food for the two of them.

Vie Vever'faer
Vie is one of Caedis' favorite people to meet in the ring. Any time she sees that she's up against this xaela, Caedis gets excitedly pumped for their matches. If given the chance, Caedis is pretty sure that the two of them could spar for hours, hell, days even. Vie is also another member of the Bad Bitch Brigade™, and usually takes the role of captain during team matches.

This xaela's eyes are very sensitive to lights, so she carries a pair of these on her face at all times so that she doesn't go blind.
While sunglasses are great for aesthetics, she's broken plenty of pairs while in the ring. For awhile, she was just tearing off pieces of cloth from a jacket, or shirt and wrapping it about her eyes. However, one of her bosses over at the Harlequin gave her a set of eyewraps that allow her to see just as well as if she were wearing her sunglasses. She carries it on her at all times now, just in case.
Moko Grass
Selling Moko Grass to random passerby, it means that she carries it on her person at all times. And smokes it as well. She only carries grass grown, and harvested by herself. Caedis doesn't like smoking lackluster, or lower quality grass.
Moko Pipe
As someone who sells and smokes moko grass, naturally she'd have a smoking apparatus of some sort. This particular pipe however was refurbished from an old pipe that got destroyed in a fight when Caedis tried to use it as a weapon. The person who broke it however, had it fixed up for her. Made with black willow lumber with a laquered finish, the pipe has a shiny and sleek finish. The bowl itself was pieced together from remnants of the broken pipe, etched back together using the same technique seen in kintsugi pottery. It also has three different sized mouthpieces, giving her control over exactly how much she's in the mood to smoke at the moment.
Magitek Lighter
Having a pipe, and moko grass on her at all times is great. However, the two can't really be used without fire of some sort.
Triple Triad Deck
Caedis really likes to play Triple Triad. She may not be very good at it, but she finds it amusing.
While it may not always physically be on her person, Caedis can summon this weapon at any time she pleases by using a void portal. She has, and will, pull it out of the need arises, but typically for more serious situations, or if she's trying to show off.
The Dying Pan
A frying pan with an aesthetically pleasing dragon design on the inside. Caedis originally got it due to it being "awesome looking", but eventually brought it into the arena after finding out exactly how sturdy it is. Now, she has a reputation with it, and is not afraid to swing it around at any opponent she faces. She swears it gets stronger with every victory she claims with it.

RP Hooks
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ The Dealer ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
In the few places that Caedis tends to frequent, most know about her trade, so to speak. Feel free to approach her if you're looking to buy. She always has something on hand, and is always willing to let some go, for a price.
====================⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Picking A Fight ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Never one to back away from a challenge, Caedis is always willing to fight anyone who thinks she can't handle her own in the ring. It's always a pleasure showing them exactly how much of a threat she actually is.
====================⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Botany/Alchemy Assistance ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Are you looking for a specific type of herb or plant? Do you need an ingredient for some kind of potion? Caedis is rather knowledgable, and most likely willing to help.
====================⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ The Void ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Caedis is unsure of where her elemental alignments lays, but seeing some reactions from others, and hearing whispers, she's rather scared to ask or find out. However, this doesn't stop her from occasionally bringing out some fancy moves at a fighting event. Seeing her powers for what they actually are, maybe you decide to approach her and learn more, or to even educate her on what she may not know.

OOC Stuff

Things To Know
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ I have the right to refuse RP with you, and vice versa. ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Profile is always a work in progress. ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Feel free to ask any questions you like! I may or may not have an answer. ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Art commissioned from Nox.Nihilmancer and Jandere ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Last updated: 10/8/2024